Blow Some Smoke On Me

May 25, 2007

sexy_smoking.jpgHoly Smoke Rings Batman! The statewide smoking ban is dead in Texas.

Proponents of a statewide smoking ban in restaurants, bars and work places acknowledged defeat on the issue Thursday, but vowed to pursue it again in the 2009 session.

Good riddance to bad rubbish is all that I can say about this. I am glad the members of the House showed this bill for what it was and weakened it in such a manner that it was ineffectual, but they’ll be back, just like all nightmares and monsters.

This from a press release quoted at Postcards from the Lege:

“Even as time expires this session for HB 9, Smoke-Free Texas already is planning to bring forward in 2009 another bill that would provide strong secondhand smoke protections for Texas workers by banning smoking in indoor public and work places.”

You busy bodies should let communities decide this issue for themselves.