What’s My Lucky Number?

May 11, 2007


Last night, the House passed legislation by Chente Quintanilla, D-El Paso, which would allow bars and liquor stores to sell lottery tickets.

That’s right folks. One stop deviancy shopping. I’m surprised the fundies in the Lege allowed this to go through. I have some theories though: 1) they were asleep; or 2) they didn’t care because it’s so late in the session and it might not get through the Senate.

According to Selby and the fiscal note, this legislation would rake in $64,398,000 over 5 years for the Foundation School Fund. And it would raise another $5,152,000 in general revenue.

Again, the methodology of this is a little sketchy. We all know drunk people will buy all kinds of shit – cigarettes, Whataburger’s taquitos, wooden indians and more alcohol – so it’s reasonable to assume that drunk people would by lottery tickets if they were offered. My only question is: are the people who would buy them at the bar or liquor store going to be a new market for lottery tickets or will they be the same old market in a different venue?

Not that I have a problem with selling them in these establishments, I just question whether or not it will really raise $64 million over 5 years.